Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dollhouses are NOT for show!

All the little boys at the family reunion were fascinated by Sara and Caroline's dollhouse... much to the twin's dismay.  Here some photos of the twins first look at the dollhouse and subsequent "decorating" of the place.

 "Hmmm, should we put the tricycle in the living room?"
 Yes, I think so....
"And the bookcase?"
 "Let's consult grand-auntie about where the kitchen should be. Maybe closer to the living room?"

"Sister, the couch is too close to the door!"
 "I think the children want to sleep together."
 "Everyone can sit on the couch and watch a video.  Oh, wait, there is no TV! How about a story?  Are there books?"
 "I think they are in the attic in the playroom."
 "Looks pretty good.  Let's put everyone to bed."
The Next Morning....

"G-G, the dolls moved their furniture around!"  "Let's show baby Eliza when she comes!"

"Or maybe I could just take a picture of her on Mommy's phone."

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